The 100 Club...

There are several numbers free for the 100 club.


This is an easy way to support the society.


A number costs £1 per month and there are 10 draws throughout the year, so for £10 you stand a chance of winning some cash and the society benefits too.

Please talk to Maureen if you would like to join the club.


Can you Help?

We need fund raising ideas and sponsorship/advertising for the programme...can you help?





Launch Date for Dick Whittington...

Tuesday 21st August 2018



Please find the following Character List.  


Auditions Thursday 6th September TBC


Cast Application Form 

please complete and email to Jan Bradbury


Membership Form 2018/2019 

please complete and eith email to Jan Bradbury or bring to the launch


Dick Whittington Rehearsals...

Every Tuesday

7.45pm - 10.00pm


This production will be staged at Civic Hall Bedworth

25th & 26th January 2019                 

Membership Information...

Adult membership £25 per year payable in a one off payment.


Junior membership (under 16 at the start of the financial year)

- £5 per show.


If you have a friend who would like to join the cast or help with the backstage crew, please bring them along.



If you have any contacts who would be prepared to sponsor us.  Please let a Contact us by email with details.